Why didn’t Jesus just say “I am God”? Jesus loves to seek out and save sinners, yet, he is not a "seeker-sensitive" Savior. It is very difficult to find a straightforward example of Jesus saying that he is God. I've read articles that respond to non-believers who point this out with 'No, Jesus did obviously claim to be
Wisdom is a Poor Comfort A Tempting Idol I love knowing things. I love knowing more than others. I love sharing information that makes me look smart. I love when people say that I'm intelligent even if I outwardly react uncomfortably. From a young age, I found out that despite my awkwardness, despite my lack
Covenant The Good News of Covenants: God is More than Judge Have you ever heard or used this evangelism tactic? Believer: Have you ever lied before in your life? Non-Believer: Yes Believer: Then what does that make you? Non-Believer: A liar Believer: Have you ever stolen anything, even something small? Non-Believer: Yes Believer: What does that make you? Non-Believer: A thief
Covenant The Good News of Covenants: God is Relational Covenants are good news. No, really. When you hear the word covenant, what is your reaction? Do you think of fakeness? Do you think of cold unfeeling rules? Or do you think of life-giving relationship? Do you think of faithfulness and loving security? At its core, a covenant is simply